From Jessica’s article:
“I’m angry at the public sentiment that tried to pressure and coerce people into accepting a dangerous narrative, and left many of us no choice but to spend additional months in isolation…”
It sounds like she’s saying there’s been a concerted public effort to push a “dangerous narrative” that downplays the lethality of Omicron. My point is I don’t see any evidence of this. There seems to be a genuine split of opinion on this issue with no “side” prevailing. I certainly don’t see any evidence that people who aren’t buying the “dangerous narrative” are being pressured or coerced to not speak up.
In fact, the only people I see who have been openly pressured and coerced throughout this pandemic are doctors and scientists who have offered dissenting opinions on lockdowns and vaccine mandates, which has manifested in them being silenced, censored, and banned. I haven’t seen this happen to any of their counterparts who have embraced and endorsed the perspectives of the CDC, WHO, and mainstream media. Can you point to any examples?
I also think it’s presumptuous for anyone to assume they know what “the truth” is when confronting a novel virus in a rapidly-shifting landscape. For example, for the past few months we’ve been told that boosters are necessary to contain spread, yet the WHO is now warning that repeated boosters are neither advisable nor appropriate for everyone:
The “truth” is extremely fluid in this environment.
To answer your question: the only thing I spend my time doing on this platform is actively encouraging people to consider all perspectives instead of assuming that one “side” speaks “the truth” and the other “side” is engaging in “spurious criticism.” That kind of mindset is counterproductive to healthy discussion and the search for effective solutions that will help us end this pandemic. Let’s try to be civil with each other to find those solutions, okay?