Honestly, how are we defining “far right” now? The history of American foreign policy has been one of intervention a/k/a imperialism. I find it abhorrent, but I think we need to be transparent about the fact that imperialism has supported American business “enterprise” for more than a century.
The U.S. government staged a coup in Guatemala in 1954 and installed dictator Jorge Ubico, who gifted 42% of Guatemalan land to the United Fruit company. Was the United Fruit Company “far right”?
When the U.S. government invaded Iraq — based on non-existent WMDs — and American oil companies took control of Iraqi oil fields, were these companies considered “far right”?
When Jeff Bezos treats Amazon warehouse workers like disposable widgets, working them relentlessly, paying them ridiculously lower wages, and destroying their health, does that make him “far right”?