I’ve never visited a QAnon site and honestly have no idea what ideas of theories they’re pushing, so I assure you any similarity is unintentional and certainly not a bullshit effort to mimic.
I don’t agree that our planet is dying; I think Mother Earth will heal and be just fine. What’s dying is the current System and our way of life, for which Mother Earth rightly has little concern.
I wholeheartedly agree that we need to take responsibility for our actions, that we could certainly save ourselves if we all cooperated, and that government leaders act in their own best interests. But I think you’re making assumptions about the interests of elites. I don’t think they have have an interest in collapsing their own source of wealth, and I also see no evidence that they are doing this. To the contrary, the epic money printing post-pandemic has successfully transferred significant wealth to the .01%, as global resources dwindle in the face of climate change. Elites are not collapsing their wealth; they are rapidly consolidating remaining resources, which will be the TRUE measure of wealth in the near future.
In short, I understand and appreciate your cynicism, but I don’t think it’s helpful or productive.
As for Jan 6, I will echo my comments to another poster: when 1% of 25,000 protesters storm the Capitol, yet only 15% of those individuals are affiliated with any organization or demonstrate any degree of pre-planning, that’s hardly the makings of a coup. Coups are not spontaneous events staged by a couple hundred random people; coups are well-thought out plots that (most importantly) involve strategically-placed individuals at high levels (typically in the military).
At best, we could describe what happened on Jan 6 as a scrappy rebellion, but given the lack of access to military resources and feeble numbers, it seems laughable to even call it a rebellion. Lastly, whether we term it a rebellion or a coup, how in the world would we expect anyone to take over the Capitol when all but a dozen coup-makers were unarmed? How does that even work?