I, too, would love to have a president who embraces science more. I would love a president who is poised, less sensitive to criticism and less threatened by opposition. But we’re at the crossroads of crisis. It has been building for decades, and it has nothing to do with Trump or the fact that he doesn’t believe in science, or any of his many other failings.
Quietly, beneath the radar, there is an economic culling looming. The Fed is pumping $1.5 trillion into the markets, and while it may be tempting to attribute to this stock market Corona-crash, the Fed has been pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into the repo market for the past year. In other words, the banking system has been on the verge of failure for a while now. In fact, the banking system has been in jeopardy since the 2008 crash. The problems haven’t gone away; they’ve only gotten bigger.
Trump has nothing to do with this. This is a result of an inherently equitable economic system that operates like a pyramid scheme. This is the true source of ALL the problems we face, and it’s a system that’s enabled by political tools from both Establishment parties. They have been the cause of all epic financial crises, and when the next crisis comes it will have a dire impact on our health care system, housing, homelessness, retirements, infrastructure, and a host of other problems we’re already struggling with.
The only way to truly fix the problem is to identify and attack the predatory economic system that elites own and control. Sanders is the only one who is doing this, and that’s why the Establishment has pulled out all the stops to eliminate him. Putting another candidate in office who either denies or doesn’t see the source of our problems will doom us faster than climate change or any president who doesn’t believe in science.
We’re quickly heading towards a cliff. It doesn’t matter who’s driving the train we’re on if we maintain the course we’ve been on for decades. If we want to avoid plunging into the abyss, we need to change course. We need to fundamentally change the system that’s brought us to the precipice of disaster. Putting Biden in office will be like giving us all oxygen masks in the final moments so that it *feels* better as we’re hurtling through the air toward our doom.