Occam’s Razor is your friend. Ask yourself:
Does Mueller have a reason to protect Trump? I don’t see any. Mueller and his team clearly wanted to take Trump down. There’s no love lost between the two.
Has Mueller had sufficient time to investigate and find whatever he needs to prove that the Orange One colluded with foreign interests? I believe so. The Mueller investigations have been ongoing for the past two years (at significant taxpayer expense, I might add).
Given the above, if the Mueller report has come up empty-handed, might it be reasonable to ask the obvious: is it possible that there was no collusion?
As I’ve suspected from the beginning, this entire affair has likely been one elaborate dog and pony show, a distraction of epic proportions, lit to keep us all looking the other way while Rome burns. If Trump is as guilty as many assume, then the evidence shouldn’t be that hard to find; nothing about the man or the life he leads is subtle or hidden far below the surface.
But instead of getting down to the real business of governing this country, fixing the health care crisis, salvaging what’s left of our hollowed-out economy, addressing the opiate and homeless epidemic, throwing a lifeline to a middle class that’s taking on water and going under fast, the people who are supposed to be representing have instead been fixated on proving collusion that is looking less and less likely to have ever occurred.
Shame on all of them. Russia is not the problem. Collusion is not the problem. Our real problem is that we have leaders who are constantly searching for scapegoats instead of trying to fix the problems they created themselves, without any foreign assistance whatsover.