Out of curiosity, what do you base this on?
The United States had a capitalist economy prior to 1913 (when the Federal Reserve was created), but U.S. monetary policy changed completely after the Fed took control.
Under the post-1913 debt-based system, every dollar that is created must be borrowed. In other words, without debt we have no money. This guarantees that our country not only remains in debt, but that our debt grows every year. Eventually, the rate of debt growth becomes exponential. Does that make any sense to you?
The dollar has slowly devalued over time as a result, leading to the crisis we face today. But it’s critical to understand that we were not on this course prior to 1913. Americans weren’t constantly fighting inflation and a deteriorating lifestyle until the Fed brought us a debt-based economy.
To be clear, capitalism is the mass production of goods to satisfy the needs of the greatest number of people. But like anything else, capitalism can be bastardized to serve those in power, and it has. It’s been highjacked by an oligarchy.
I highly encourage you to learn more about what capitalism really is, what it was intended to be, and what it can be again if we rid ourselves from a debt-based economy. The Mises Institute is a good place to start (read the brief entries “What is Money?” And “What is Capitalism?”).
Please explore this issue more deeply. There is much about our history that we have not been taught, and our ignorance works to the advantage of elites who manipulate information and sentiment.
There is another way for capitalism to work, the way it should work, the way it used to work before oligarchs used the Fed to control our money and slowly turn us all into slaves.