Sanders is losing the primaries because a candidate was resurrected from the dead in 72 hours by a political Establishment that quickly coalesced to ensure Sanders’ demise. Sanders is losing the primaries because people are too timid, frightened and ignorant of what truly ails us. Tax cuts to the wealthy are the least of our problems in a debt-based money system that guarantees that 90% of the population will be eaten alive over time, regardless of the tax structure. It’s also naive to think that Trump’s judges are corporate tools, but the judges appointed by other presidents aren’t. I’ve learned one thing practicing law over the last few decades: the Rule of Law is broken, but it is cleverly disguised.
We are operating in a pyramid scheme of epic proportions. We can pretend that Trump built the scheme or that he’s making it worse, but that’s not the case. The death of the average American is baked into the cake of this economic system, and people simply do not realize this. We have never been educated about the foundation of our monetary system.
I will bet you that at the end of a Biden presidency, the only “progress” we will see is downward. Because that’s been the trajectory for the past five decades. Why do you think a cognitively-challenged man would be able to reverse our course if other presidents haven’t?