Thanks for your response. You make very good points, and I agree that there is likely much more motivating the drive to “address” this pandemic than we are being told. That the corporate-government structure is using this health crisis to further consolidate and increase power does seem to be the central struggle of our times.
With regard to the Reuters link: you are spot-on that the 20 years of failed clinical trials in animals was due to ADE, and it is entirely possible in my opinion that we could see a similar phenomenon play out over the long term in humans.
That said, please keep in mind that I was responding to a friend who cannot even begin to grasp the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccines are less safe and effective than the polio or smallpox vaccines. My primary goal was to open his mind sufficiently so that he could at least appreciate why a reasonable person might have doubts about getting vaccinated.
There are so many reasons to shun this jab, and you’re correct that I have only scratched the surface.
I suspect you and I are very much on the same page. But this is Medium, and I’ve already had two articles removed by curators for going down the path you suggest.
The past year on this platform has been a lesson in “knowing your audience.” ;-)