The only plausible alternative is to return to a non-fiat based monetary system, i.e. issuing currency that can’t be printed ad nauseam, to infinity, without accountability or concern for the repercussions for the masses who are whipsawed by inflation and hyperinflation.
The money we use needs to be tied to something “real,” something that has value and that can’t be produced in infinite quantities. Gold, silver, seashells or paper clips — anything except the money that bankers create with a mere keystroke. When money is generated in this manner, it always enriches those at the top, who sit nearest to where the money is created, and it slowly impoverishes everyone else.
Most Americans now don’t realize that until 1913, our currency was tied to something “real.” But the moment the Federal Reserve was created — and the government was allowed to “borrow” endless quantities from this central bank, the future of the U.S. was written in stone.
Any country that has fallen prey to this Ponzi scheme (the vast majority of countries in the planet) has paid the price because all Ponzi schemes have an expiration date, and we are now reaching ours globally.
Elites know this, which is why they have been busy trying to collapse the global economy — and rebuild it — on “their” terms — with needless lockdowns and by provoking a war with a country that will surely retaliate in a way that will devastate what’s left of the global economy. In their minds, better for the Ponzi scheme to reach its expiration date and blame its failure on anything but the true cause: an endless supply of fiat money.
You will notice that the same phenomenon of gradual impoverishment of the masses is occurring all over the world, even in so-called socialist countries like Canada. The wealth divide is accelerating, particularly with regard to housing. So the problem isn’t capitalism, and anyone who claims that it is really doesn’t understand how capitalism works. Capitalism does NOT require fiat money. We aren’t living in a capitalist economy; we’re living in some oligarchical bastardization of capitalism that has no name.
One way or another, before this whole ugly chapter in history comes to an end, the masses of humanity will need to overcome their irrational fear around any discussion of money. Mention the words “monetary system,” and eyes roll to the back of the head.
This needs to change NOW.
We need to start talking about what money is and how it’s created and force ourselves to understand these issues. Money is THE weapon that those in power use to control us, and until we understand how that weapon is used against us, they will continue to use it to enslave us.
If you’d like to know how this may affect you on an individual level in the near future, read this:
Also available here, in case Medium removes it for “violating its guidelines”: